Curious about how outdated this thing will look when the ipod design takes a new turn. Hmm. Read on.
"The iPod has made its mark on popular culture, changing the face of the music industry and becoming one of the best-selling gadgets of all time. But Apple's music player could be stretching its influence into unexpected territory - architecture.
A newly announced multimillion pound building project in Dubai will take inspiration for its design from that of the iconic iPod, according to reports.
Officials have said that the "iPad" will be based on the design of Apple's MP3 player. The tower will be perched on top of a docking station, and will ape the iPod by sitting at an angle of six degrees. The 23-storey building, due to open in 2009, is expected to house more than 200 homes and offices, said its backers."
(credit: The Guardian)