Thursday, December 20, 2007

Audi R8 Commercial - BBH

A stunningly beautiful commercial by BBH London for the launch of Audi's R8. A big part of the brief was to make the process of building the car as beautiful as the car itself - something I think these guys have achieved. The soundtrack by Simone White ('the beep beep song') is just goose-bumpy. And I don't think I've read a better end-line in a long time either.

Monday, December 17, 2007

BBH London Recruitment ad

Farting chipmunks and Lynx chicks - I think that explains why most of us are in this business. This latest recruitment ad from BBH London is just great (if you can get the kid's accent!).

Googling yourself? You're not alone

"About half of the online adult population has looked up themselves or someone else online, according to a survey released Sunday. A good 36 percent said they have searched the Web for someone with whom they've lost touch, and 9 percent have dug up information on someone they were dating. At the same time, 60 percent said they are not worried about how much information about them is on the Internet."

(source: San Francisco Chronicle)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Crack Cocaine from Hershey's?

Packaging gone wrong? You be the judge.

"Ice Breakers Pacs, which hit the stores this month, are dissolvable pouches in blue or orange that look uncannily like tiny heat-sealed bags of cocaine, crack, heroin or any other powdered drug.

The Pacs, filled with powdered mint and sweetener, are meant to dissolve on the tongue like breath strips.

They're even packaged in a plastic slide-top case similar to the magnetic key cases drug dealers use to hide their wares under cars."
