Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ottawa messes up in Arabic anti-pot ad

"Whatever they’ve been smoking up in Ottawa, Canada, it’s caused them to royally screw up the Arabic version of a billboard encouraging people not to drive under the influence of marijuana. 'The first time, I thought it wasn’t Arabic,' one Arabic speaker tells CBC News. The problem? Both the sentence and the individual words in it are written backwards—left to right, instead of right to left. (You can see the fixed version of the ad here.) 'This is an embarrassment for the city,' a councilman points out. The city says it used a professional translation firm to create the ad, and tested it on a focus group. The error, says a spokesman, occurred during production. Where have we heard that before?"

(corrected version)

Trying to find the messed-up version of the ad - will post it if/when I do.


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