Siemens Appliances UK have launched a
website where you can have fun getting a T-Shirt filthy with all sorts of stains - lipstick, grass, oil, wine, baby food etc. (the stuff we always manage to ruin a good shirt with). Each month between Nov and Jan the winning entry gets a state-of-the-art Siemens autostain removal washing machine.
(credit: Adverblog)
What a wicked idea! I made 4 crap t-shirts before I gave up. Would have been good for Omo to do something like that, when they were doing 'Dirt is good'.
Good luck with the judges on those T-shirts.
You can check out www.omodirtisgood.com.au to see what Omo is doing. They have a program where mothers can help their kids' school win a brand new playground. That's in Australia - would be nice to see something like that around here.
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