Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Falcon Beer - seriously thick

(credit: Saatchi & Saatchi, Stockholm)

Falcon Beer - seriously cold

Ahh. I love the tongue-in-cheek humour and the single-mindedness of this ad. I got shivers. brrrr.

(credit: Saatchi & Saatchi, Stockholm)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dirty Laundry + Water = Wet Dirty Laundry

At first I thought it was an intriguing visual. I still do actually. But unless I'm missing something in terms of the washing machine's technology, the claim seems a bit off; a washing machine doesn't clean any kind of dirt - a detergent does! hmmm. A toothbrush needs toothpaste, a dishwasher needs tablets, a washing machine needs detergent otherwise it's just water on dirt. And I need a drink...badly.

(credit: Ogilvy Mumbai)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Emma...who exactly are you?

and so it begins...the hype and the questions: who is Emma and what's this all about?

Apparently I missed out on a lot of other activities building up to the posters. This website has appeared all of a sudden and it's got some more on ''Emma" plus a calendar of what's happened so far. Some teaser campaign seems most likely, but for who? and what? I'm used to getting disappointed when it all ends. Here's hoping the foreplay is worth it all in the end.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Emma, he loves you

Someone named "Paul" plastered these all over the Bastille metro stop in Paris. Art direction's not so bad - you got a bleeding heart and a nice stencil of "Emma''. The copy is simple enough and has a call to action. Media placement's also good, as I'm assuming Emma must live nearby or frequents this area quite often. I'm hoping Paul keeps us updated on whether his little stunt (if it's authentic) gets Emma to come back. In the meantime, good luck and may I suggest a direct mailer?

(Translation: Emma, I love you. Come back!)