Thursday, May 22, 2008

Telescope links London to....New York???

What do you get when you mix Victorian invention with modern-day technology and an eye for art? Would you believe, an underground telescope allowing Londoners to wave hallow to New Yorkers walking their dogs? As of today, a new contraption called ''the Telectroscope'' is open to the public following ...well, years of digging underneath the Atlantic to connect the two cities? "Spectators who step right up will have a real-time, life-size view across the pond 24 hours a day." Sound incredible? That's because it is, in a way. Read more to get the full story. It's a brilliant mix of art and storytelling. Good fun.

(credit: NYT)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Switching lanes

You know that split second when you're waiting for an ATM machine or in traffic where you consider switching lanes? As far as decision-making goes, that has to be one of our more irrational processes. A new study in the Journal of Consumer Research looks specifically at why we switch lines at the grocery store. They found out that our decision is linked to our tendency to compare ourselves to the unfortunate people in line behind us. As someone who stood in line for close to 5 hours to see the Sistine Chapel, I can definitely relate.