Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year Happy New Year

It's that time of year, around Christmas and New Year when a familiar sound fills the air. Not xmas tunes in shopping malls, nor fireworks or champagne bottles exploding - but that all too repeated sound of 'beep beep' signalling yet another SMS.

I have never received as many SMS's as I have in the span of the last 1.5 weeks. I've got nothing against a nice warm message from friends, mind you, but when it's the typical mindless blurb of a corny holiday card that appears on my phone...then I really start getting annoyed. It's amazing that people have become so lazy and uninspired that they end up just forwarding the same cheesy lines to the rest of the people on their address book. So do us all a favour, for next December - try to be a little more creative, a lot more personal and a lot less lazy. That should be number 1 on all our New Year's resolutions. Write a card, phone your friends/family, and at the very least write your own darned SMS message instead of relying on someone else's cheesy uninspired lines.

I leave you with an SMS message I received from a total of 5 different people, who all took time out to forward it to me - personalizing it of course with their name at the end - so heartfelt it brings tears to my eyes.

'may the coming new year bring all the happiness and peace to the world'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's only fair that people return the same corny messages that they receive...most of us neither have the time nor the energy to come up with snappy messages for each and every person we sms. Besides, what's wrong with a little corniness every now and then??